Which word or phrase means "to borrow (from)"? (1 point ) cepillarse (los dientes ) pedir prestado (a) pintarse vestirse

pedir prestado (a)

Which of the following is the way to say, "fix my hair^ prime prime in Spanish? (1 point ) me cepillo los dientes me arreglo el pelo me pinto las uñas me corto el pelo

me arreglo el pelo

Which is the correct way to say "You are in Cuba." in Spanish? (1 point ) Estás en Cuba. Estoy en Cuba Eres en Cuba Sois en Cuba

Estás en Cuba.

Which is the correct way to say "They are students." in Spanish? (1 point ) Sois estudiantes Están estudiantes Son estudiantes Soy estudiante

Son estudiantes.

Which ingredient is not part of a typical Cuban sandwich? (1 point) pickles chorizo cheese pork


The word or phrase that means "to borrow (from)" is "pedir prestado (a)". To find this answer, I can help explain the process of how to determine the correct word or phrase:

1. Start by understanding the question: The question asks for the word or phrase that means "to borrow (from)". This means we need to look for a word or phrase in Spanish that conveys the idea of borrowing something from someone else.

2. Analyze the options: The options provided are "cepillarse (los dientes)", "pedir prestado (a)", "pintarse", and "vestirse". We need to identify which of these options matches the meaning of "to borrow (from)".

3. Compare the meanings: Let's break down the meanings of each option:
- "Cepillarse (los dientes)" means "to brush one's teeth", which is unrelated to borrowing.
- "Pedir prestado (a)" literally means "to ask to borrow (from)", indicating a direct request for borrowing.
- "Pintarse" means "to paint oneself", which is unrelated to borrowing.
- "Vestirse" means "to dress oneself", which is unrelated to borrowing.

4. Determine the correct option: Based on the analysis, the option that aligns with the meaning of "to borrow (from)" is "pedir prestado (a)".

Therefore, the correct word or phrase that means "to borrow (from)" is "pedir prestado (a)".