Which option describes a synonym?

a word or phrase that has an opposite meaning

a word or phrase that is unfamiliar

a word or phrase that has a similar meaning

a word or phrase that is a model of something

a word or phrase that has a similar meaning

A synonym is a word or phrase that has a similar meaning.

The correct option that describes a synonym is: "a word or phrase that has a similar meaning."

To identify a synonym for a word or phrase, you can use various methods:

1. Contextual Understanding: By reading and understanding the sentence or paragraph in which the word or phrase is used, you can get a sense of its intended meaning. Then, you can search for words or phrases that convey a similar or related meaning.

2. Thesaurus: Accessing a thesaurus, whether it's an online resource or a physical book, can provide you with a list of words that are synonyms for a particular term. Thesaurus entries often include synonyms along with their definitions and usage examples.

3. Search Engines and Dictionaries: Utilize online search engines or reliable dictionaries to look up the word you need a synonym for. Many dictionaries provide synonyms alongside the definitions. Similarly, search engines often display a list of synonyms on their search results page.

Remember, it is essential to consider the context and usage of a word when looking for a synonym, as not all synonyms are interchangeable in every situation.

Which option describes a antonym?

a word or phrase that has an opposite meaning

a word or phrase that is unfamiliar

a word or phrase that has a similar meaning

a word or phrase that is a model of something

a word or phrase that has an opposite meaning

It is widely assumed that the only way to be profitable today is by having a college degree. However, careers attained through trade schools are just as worthwhile.

Which word in the sentences is a synonym for worthwhile

A. attained
B. widely
C. assumed
D profitable