Put the spanish word for what body part these go on:

el anillo
los pantalones
las botas
los anteojos de sol
los guantes

el dedo (finger)

las piernas (legs)
los pies (feet)
los ojos (eyes)
las manos (hands)

el anillo - finger (dedo)

los pantalones - legs (piernas)
las botas - feet (pies)
los anteojos de sol - eyes (ojos)
los guantes - hands (manos)

To find the Spanish word for the body part that each item goes on, you'll need to know the specific body parts associated with each item. Here are the translations:

1. El anillo - The Spanish word for "finger" is "dedo" (general term) or "dedo anular" specifically for the finger that you wear a ring on. Therefore, "el anillo" goes on "el dedo anular" (the ring finger).

2. Los pantalones - The Spanish word for "legs" is "piernas." Therefore, "los pantalones" go on "las piernas" (the legs).

3. Las botas - The Spanish word for "feet" is "pies." Therefore, "las botas" go on "los pies" (the feet).

4. Los anteojos de sol - The Spanish word for "eyes" is "ojos." Therefore, "los anteojos de sol" (sunglasses) go on "los ojos" (the eyes).

5. Los guantes - The Spanish word for "hands" is "manos." Therefore, "los guantes" go on "las manos" (the hands).

Remember that in Spanish, the articles (el, los, las) and noun endings (anillo, pantalones, botas, anteojos, guantes) need to agree in gender (masculine or feminine) and number (singular or plural) with the body parts they are associated with.