Create an illustration that metaphorically represents the hard work of Sioux women, without any text. The image should include four elements: a woman preparing food that could be for warriors, a woman in a position of gratitude indicative of thanking a spirit, a woman thoughtfully inspecting ears of corn as if interpreting them, and a woman actively planting corn. Ensure the image conveys the essence of diligence, spirituality and agricultural wisdom.

Which evidence from the story supports the claim that Sioux women worked hard?(

they made food for warriors
they thanked the great spirit
they interpreted each yeAR OF CORN
they planted the corn

The evidence from the story that supports the claim that Sioux women worked hard includes "they made food for warriors" and "they planted the corn." These activities require physical labor and dedication, indicating the hard work of Sioux women.

The evidence from the story that supports the claim that Sioux women worked hard is that they made food for warriors and planted the corn.

To find the evidence from the story that supports the claim that Sioux women worked hard, you need to analyze the provided options and select the one(s) that indicate their hard work.

1. "They made food for warriors": This statement suggests that Sioux women were responsible for preparing meals for the warriors, which requires effort and time. This supports the claim that they worked hard.

2. "They thanked the Great Spirit": While expressing gratitude could be considered important and meaningful, it doesn't directly imply hard work. Thus, this statement does not provide evidence supporting the claim.

3. "They interpreted each year of corn": Interpreting the meaning or significance of each year of corn could be a task that requires careful observation and understanding. However, this statement does not explicitly indicate physical exertion or hard work.

4. "They planted the corn": Planting corn is a labor-intensive task that involves preparing the soil, sowing the seeds, and maintaining the crops. This statement clearly demonstrates hard work on the part of Sioux women.

Therefore, the evidence from the story that supports the claim that Sioux women worked hard includes "they made food for warriors" and "they planted the corn."