Which evidence from the story supports the claim that Sioux women worked hard?

One evidence from the story that supports the claim that Sioux women worked hard is when it mentions that women would not sit down again after the morning meal until all the night's sewing was done. This shows their dedication and hard work in ensuring that their sewing tasks were completed, indicating their strong work ethic.

To identify evidence from the story that supports the claim that Sioux women worked hard, we would need to have specific details or a text to refer to. Without that information, I cannot provide a specific answer. However, in general, some possible evidence that may support this claim could include:

1. Descriptions of daily tasks and responsibilities performed by Sioux women, such as gathering firewood, tending to crops, or preparing food.
2. Accounts of the physical labor required for activities like tanning hides, building and maintaining lodges, or caring for livestock.
3. Testimonies or anecdotes from Sioux women or other sources that describe their work ethic, dedication, or the challenges they faced in accomplishing their duties.
4. Historical records, photographs, or artifacts that depict Sioux women engaged in various tasks, showing their active involvement in daily life and tribal activities.

By examining these types of evidence, a stronger case can be made to support the claim that Sioux women worked hard.

To find evidence from the story that supports the claim that Sioux women worked hard, you should first identify the specific story or source you are referring to. Once you have the story in front of you, closely analyze the narrative and look for passages or details that demonstrate the hard work of Sioux women. Here are some steps you can follow to find the evidence:

1. Read the entire story: Start by thoroughly reading the story from beginning to end. This will help you gain an overall understanding of the context and themes presented.

2. Look for descriptions of work: Pay attention to any descriptions or mentions of the tasks or responsibilities assigned to Sioux women in the story. This can include chores, caregiving, tending to livestock, farming, or any other duties that demonstrate their industriousness.

3. Note character actions: Observe the actions of Sioux women throughout the story. Look for instances where they are shown actively engaged in work, taking on labor-intensive tasks, or displaying determination and persistence in completing their duties.

4. Consider societal expectations: Take into account the cultural and societal expectations placed on Sioux women at that time. Look for passages that highlight their roles in providing for their families or contributing to the well-being of their community.

5. Identify supporting quotations: Once you have found relevant passages, select and note specific quotations that directly support the claim that Sioux women worked hard. These quotations should provide concrete examples or descriptions of their industriousness or the challenges they faced.

Remember, the specific evidence supporting the claim that Sioux women worked hard will vary depending on the story or source you are analyzing. By closely examining the narrative, observing character actions, and considering the cultural context, you should be able to identify the evidence that supports the claim.