How was the government outlined in the Fundamental Orders of Connecticut (FOC) different from the government in Massachusetts? Select all that apply. (1 point) The FOC gave the vote to all men who were property owners. The FOC limited the governor's power which expanded the idea of representative government. The FOC increased the control the King of England had on the colony. The FOC outlined strict requirements for slavery.

The correct answers are:

- The FOC gave the vote to all men who were property owners.
- The FOC limited the governor's power, which expanded the idea of representative government.

The correct options are:

- The FOC gave the vote to all men who were property owners.
- The FOC limited the governor's power, which expanded the idea of representative government.

These two points highlight the differences between the government outlined in the Fundamental Orders of Connecticut (FOC) and the government in Massachusetts. The FOC granted voting rights to all men who owned property, whereas Massachusetts had more restrictive voting requirements. Additionally, the FOC limited the governor's power, which emphasized the idea of representative government. The other two options, regarding the control of the King of England and slavery, are not applicable to the comparison between the FOC and Massachusetts.

To determine how the government outlined in the Fundamental Orders of Connecticut (FOC) was different from the government in Massachusetts, we need to examine the key provisions of the FOC and compare them to the government in Massachusetts at the time.

1. The FOC gave the vote to all men who were property owners: This is true. The FOC did grant the right to vote to all men who owned property, which was a significant departure from other colonies, including Massachusetts. Prior to the FOC, voting rights were typically limited to certain classes of individuals, such as landowners or members of a particular religious group.

2. The FOC limited the governor's power, which expanded the idea of representative government: This is also true. The FOC sought to establish a more representative form of government by placing limitations on the governor's authority. The governor's power was balanced by the creation of a General Court, which consisted of elected representatives from each town. This arrangement allowed for more participation and input from the citizens, enhancing the representative nature of government.

3. The FOC increased the control the King of England had on the colony: This statement is incorrect. The FOC was designed to be a self-governing document, and it did not grant any additional control to the King of England. In fact, one of the motivations behind the FOC was to establish a government that was independent from the English crown.

4. The FOC outlined strict requirements for slavery: This statement is also incorrect. The FOC did not include any provisions related to slavery. Slavery was present in the colonies during this period, particularly in southern regions like Virginia, but the FOC did not address the issue of slavery.

So, to summarize, the correct options are:

- The FOC gave the vote to all men who were property owners.
- The FOC limited the governor's power, which expanded the idea of representative government.

These two options highlight how the government outlined in the FOC differed from the government in Massachusetts.