How was the government outlined in the Fundamental Orders of Connecticut (FOC) different from the government in Massachusetts? Select all that apply.

(1 point)

The FOC gave the vote to all men who were property owners.

The FOC limited the governor’s power which expanded the idea of representative government.

The FOC increased the control the King of England had on the colony.

The FOC outlined strict requirements for slavery.

The correct answers are:

- The FOC gave the vote to all men who were property owners.
- The FOC limited the governor’s power and expanded the idea of representative government.

The correct options are:

1. The FOC gave the vote to all men who were property owners.
2. The FOC limited the governor's power, which expanded the idea of representative government.

Therefore, the answer is:

- The FOC gave the vote to all men who were property owners.
- The FOC limited the governor's power, which expanded the idea of representative government.

To determine how the government outlined in the Fundamental Orders of Connecticut (FOC) was different from the government in Massachusetts, let's review each response option:

1. The FOC gave the vote to all men who were property owners. - This is correct. The FOC expanded voting rights by allowing all male property owners to vote, unlike in Massachusetts where voting was limited to church members.

2. The FOC limited the governor’s power which expanded the idea of representative government. - This is correct. The FOC did impose limits on the governor's power, giving more authority to the General Court. This expansion of representative government was different from the government in Massachusetts, where the governor had more power.

3. The FOC increased the control the King of England had on the colony. - This is incorrect. The FOC was a democratic governing document created by the people of Connecticut, and it did not increase the control of the King of England. In fact, the FOC sought to establish self-governance.

4. The FOC outlined strict requirements for slavery. - This is incorrect. The FOC did not specifically address slavery. Slavery was present in both Connecticut and Massachusetts at the time, but it was not directly addressed in the FOC.

Based on the explanations provided, the correct responses are:

- The FOC gave the vote to all men who were property owners.
- The FOC limited the governor’s power which expanded the idea of representative government.