(1 point)

The word cardio refers to

a type of exercises or workouts that primarily focus on improving cardiovascular health and fitness.

the cardiovascular system of the body, specifically referring to exercises or activities that improve the efficiency of the heart and lungs.

Cardio is a term often used in the context of exercise and fitness. It is short for cardiovascular, which refers to anything related to the heart and blood vessels. In the context of fitness, cardio exercises are those that primarily target the cardiovascular system, helping to improve heart and lung health. These exercises typically involve repetitive, rhythmic movements that increase the heart rate and breathing rate.

If you come across the term "cardio" and are unsure of its meaning, there are several ways to find its definition:

1. Dictionary: Consult an online dictionary, such as Merriam-Webster or Oxford English Dictionary, and search for the word "cardio." These dictionaries provide accurate definitions and may also include examples and additional information.

2. Internet search engine: Type "define cardio" or "what is cardio" into a search engine like Google or Bing. The search results will display definitions from various sources and websites, giving you a quick understanding of the term.

Remember, when in doubt, it's always helpful to consult reputable sources such as dictionaries or well-known websites to get accurate definitions and information about a word or term.