At least two-thirds of all Central American people are _____.

poor farmers with little or no land or poorly paid laborers

wealthy plantation owners

prosperous small farmers or prosperous business owners

government workers

poor farmers with little or no land or poorly paid laborers

At least two-thirds of all Central American people are poor farmers with little or no land or poorly paid laborers.

To determine the answer to this question, we need to understand the given choices and analyze the information provided.

The question states that "at least two-thirds of all Central American people are ______." The options provided are:

1. Poor farmers with little or no land or poorly paid laborers
2. Wealthy plantation owners
3. Prosperous small farmers or prosperous business owners
4. Government workers

If we analyze the options, we see that only one of them seems relevant to the question. Option 1 states that "poor farmers with little or no land or poorly paid laborers" make up a significant portion of the Central American population. To determine if this option is correct, we can use general knowledge or consult reliable sources such as research papers, reports, or reputable websites.

Based on the social and economic conditions in Central America, it is commonly known that a significant portion of the population consists of individuals who are engaged in agriculture or work as laborers on farms. They often face challenges related to poverty and limited access to resources. Therefore, it is reasonable to conclude that the correct answer to the question is:

At least two-thirds of all Central American people are poor farmers with little or no land or poorly paid laborers.

By considering the given options and examining knowledge or credible sources, we can arrive at the answer to the question.