I'm really stuck on this please help!

Select all that apply for the next 2 questions.
1. Excluded from Athenian Democracy
A. Women
B. Poor males
C. Slaves
D. Farmers
2. Included in Athenian Democracy
A. Women
B. Poor males
C. Slaves
D. Farmers
Then I have one more question.
3. Which of the following is the difference between Athenian direct democracy and American representative democracy?
A. In a direct democracy, citizens elect others to represent them, and in representative democracy, citizens participate directly.****
B. In a representative democracy the citizens are not allowed to vote for their representatives, and in a direct democracy citizens are allowed to elect representatives.
C. In a direct democracy, citizens participate directly in decision making, and in a representative democracy, citizens elect officials to make decisions on their behalf.
D. In a representative democracy the citizens are allowed to vote for their representatives, and in a direct democracy citizens are not allowed to particpate in the government.

oh my god sorry if this is really long

1 and 2. https://www.ancient.eu/Athenian_Democracy/

3, a - no

ah, representative government means people elect representatives.

Is 3. D?

Oh wait no it's C

Yes, 3 c.

Hope this helps :) 1-A 2-women and slaves excluded and the other two included 3-c