Add: (4d-3)+(12d+4). (1 Point)


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To add the given expressions, we can simply combine the like terms.

For the first expression, we have 4d - 3.
For the second expression, we have 12d + 4.

To add them together, we add the coefficients of the like terms:

4d + 12d = (4 + 12)d = 16d

-3 + 4 = 1

So, (4d-3) + (12d+4) simplifies to 16d + 1.

Add: (2m - 3) + (3n - 1) + (3m - 1)

To add the given expressions, we need to combine the like terms.

The given expression is:

(2m - 3) + (3n - 1) + (3m - 1)

To add them together, we group the terms with the same variables:

(2m + 3m) + (-3 - 1) + (3n)

Simplifying the expressions within each group:

2m + 3m = 5m
-3 - 1 = -4

So, the simplified expression is:

5m - 4 + 3n


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