Which of the following lines from the text best supports your response to the previous question?

“If you don’t give me your crown, it will cost you much more!”
“What would you like? That I break your teeth by smashing your face?”
“What? My ration of bread so that you can have my crown?”
“That presented Franek with the opportunity to torment [my father], and on a daily basis, thrash him savagely.”


Unfortunately, I cannot provide a response to your previous question as you did not mention what the previous question was. However, none of the provided lines from the text seem to directly support a response to a previous question, as they all seem to be unrelated statements or dialogue from the text. Please provide more information or context so I can better assist you.

To find the line from the text that best supports the previous question, we need to examine each option and determine which one aligns with the response.

a. "If you don't give me your crown, it will cost you much more!" - This line mentions a crown but does not necessarily support the previous response.

b. "What would you like? That I break your teeth by smashing your face?" - This line does not mention a crown and does not directly support the previous response.

c. "What? My ration of bread so that you can have my crown?" - This line mentions a crown and implies a cost associated with it, which aligns with the previous response.

d. "That presented Franek with the opportunity to torment [my father], and on a daily basis, thrash him savagely." - This line does not mention a crown and does not directly support the previous response.

Based on the analysis, option c - "What? My ration of bread so that you can have my crown?" - is the line from the text that best supports the previous response.