Which of the following examples from the text best support your response to the previous question?

“Physically he was awkward as a clown. His waiflike shyness made people laugh.”
“My father was a cultured man, rather unsentimental.”
“First you must study the basic subjects, those you are able to comprehend.”
“By day I studied the Talmud and by night I would run to the synagogue to weep over the destruction of the Temple.”

The example that best supports the previous question is d) "By day I studied the Talmud and by night I would run to the synagogue to weep over the destruction of the Temple." This example shows the narrator's dedication to studying and his strong emotional connection to his religion and heritage.

In order to determine which example from the text best supports the response to the previous question, we need to know what the previous question was and what the response was. Without that information, it is not possible to identify the relevant example. Please provide more context or clarify the previous question and response.

To determine the best example from the text that supports the response to the previous question, you need to understand what the previous response was. Unfortunately, the previous question or response is not provided, so it is not possible to accurately determine which example from the text would best support it. However, I can help you analyze the examples provided from the text and explain how to identify the one that aligns with the response.

Example a describes someone who is physically awkward and shy, which could potentially support a response related to the impact of that person's physical appearance or behavior.

Example b provides information about the narrator's father being cultured and unsentimental. This example may support a response related to the narrator's family background or characteristics.

Example c mentions the need to study basic subjects that one can comprehend. This example could support a response about the importance of focusing on foundational knowledge.

Example d describes the narrator studying the Talmud during the day and going to the synagogue at night to mourn the destruction of the Temple. This example might support a response related to the narrator's religious devotion or dedication to study.

Based on the provided examples, you would need to examine the previous response or question to determine which example would best support it.