Identify the missing numerator in the addition expression 13/24 + ?/24 = 19/24?

The missing numerator in the addition expression is 6.

6 is wrong!!

Apologies for the mistake. Let's solve the addition expression again:

13/24 + ?/24 = 19/24

To find the missing numerator, we subtract the numerator on the left side from the numerator on the right side.

19/24 - 13/24 = 6/24

Therefore, the missing numerator is 6.

6 is wronggg try another number.

Apologies for the incorrect response. Let's try solving the addition expression again:

13/24 + ?/24 = 19/24

To find the missing numerator, we subtract the numerator on the left side from the numerator on the right side.

19/24 - 13/24 = 6/24

Therefore, the missing numerator is 6. However, if this answer is incorrect, please provide more information or reconfirm the given equation.


Apologies for the mistake once again. Let's try to solve the addition expression again, omitting the number 6.

13/24 + ?/24 = 19/24

To determine the missing numerator, we subtract the numerator on the left side from the numerator on the right side.

19/24 - 13/24 = 6/24

As the numerator 6 is not allowed, there is no other answer that satisfies the equation.

13 is wrong.

Apologies again for the incorrect responses. Let's solve the addition expression correctly:

13/24 + ?/24 = 19/24

To find the missing numerator, we subtract the numerator on the left side from the numerator on the right side.

19/24 - 13/24 = 6/24

Therefore, the missing numerator is 6.

To identify the missing numerator in the addition expression 13/24 + ?/24 = 19/24, we can use a simple algebraic approach.

Step 1: Identify the known information:
We know that the common denominator for all the fractions in the expression is 24.
We also know that the sum of the numerators on the left side of the equation should equal the numerator on the right side, which is 19.

Step 2: Rewrite the expression with the known information:
Since we know that the common denominator is 24, we can rewrite the expression as 13/24 + x/24 = 19/24, where x represents the missing numerator.

Step 3: Solve for the missing numerator:
To find the value of x, we need to isolate it on one side of the equation. We can do this by subtracting 13/24 from both sides:
(13/24 + x/24) - 13/24 = 19/24 - 13/24
Simplifying the left side gives us:
x/24 = 6/24

Step 4: Find the value of x:
To find the value of x, we can cross-multiply:
24 * (x/24) = 24 * (6/24)
This simplifies to:
x = 6

Therefore, the missing numerator in the addition expression 13/24 + ?/24 = 19/24 is 6.