Who was shipwrecked at Galveston, enslaved, and eventually freed to return to Spain?

Question 2 options:



De Soto

Cabeza de Vaca

Cabeza de Vaca

The person who was shipwrecked at Galveston, enslaved, and eventually freed to return to Spain is Cabeza de Vaca.

The person who was shipwrecked at Galveston, enslaved, and eventually freed to return to Spain was Cabeza de Vaca. To find the answer to this question, you can use various methods:

1. Internet Search: You can simply enter the question into a search engine, such as Google, and look for reliable sources that provide information on the topic. Searching for "shipwrecked at Galveston, enslaved, and eventually freed to return to Spain" will likely yield results that mention Cabeza de Vaca.

2. History Books: Consulting history books that cover the period and geographical area in question can provide you with the necessary information. Look for books on early explorers or the history of Texas that discuss Cabeza de Vaca's story.

3. Online Encyclopedias: Websites like Wikipedia often provide detailed information about historical events and figures. Searching for "Cabeza de Vaca" in an online encyclopedia can give you a comprehensive overview of his life, including his shipwreck, enslavement, and eventual return to Spain.

Remember to verify the information from multiple reliable sources to ensure accuracy.