Use the image to answer the question.

Which statement best describes the scene shown here?
(1 point)

An enslaved family is being sold at an auction.
An enslaved family is being sold at an auction.

Freed slaves are addressing a crowd of abolitionists.
Freed slaves are addressing a crowd of abolitionists.

Enslaved people are planning a violent revolt against slavery.
Enslaved people are planning a violent revolt against slavery.

Enslaved and free people are giving their opinions about slavery.
Enslaved and free people are giving their opinions about slavery.
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Since I cannot see the image, I cannot accurately answer the question. Please provide a description of the scene.


I'm sorry if I couldn't assist you with your question. If you have any other inquiries, feel free to ask!

Which characteristic ultimately led to General McClellan’s replacement as Commander of the Union army?

(1 point)

his organizational ability
his organizational ability

his cautious nature on the battlefield
his cautious nature on the battlefield

his reckless nature on the battlefield
his reckless nature on the battlefield

his failure at the first Battle of Bull Run
his failure at the first Battle of Bull Run

his cautious nature on the battlefield

Why did the Dred Scott v. Sandford decision anger Northerners?

(1 point)

It made slavery legal in the territories.
It made slavery legal in the territories.

It sought to continue the series of compromises on slavery.
It sought to continue the series of compromises on slavery.

It allowed for expansion of slavery into the North.
It allowed for expansion of slavery into the North.

It created popular sovereignty as the rule for all territories.

It made slavery legal in the territories.

What is the connection among sectionalism, slavery, and states’ rights as causes of the Civil War? How did the Southern response to the 1860 election results demonstrate this connection? right it like a 8th grader in 5 sentenses

Sectionalism, slavery, and states' rights were interconnected causes of the Civil War. Sectionalism refers to the loyalty and interests of a particular region over the nation as a whole. Slavery, a divisive issue, was closely tied to sectionalism as the Southern states relied heavily on enslaved labor for their economy. States' rights, which emphasized the authority of individual states over that of the federal government, was a key argument used by the South to protect their institution of slavery. The Southern response to the 1860 election results, where Abraham Lincoln, who opposed the expansion of slavery, was elected, demonstrated this connection. Southern states, fearing further restrictions on slavery, seceded from the Union, arguing that their states' rights were being violated.