Use the drop-down menu to complete the sentence.

The people of the arctic lived in _____ during the winter, which subarctic peoples _______

Options: igloos, wigwams, cliff dwellings, longhouses

Options: used tents, built lodges, carried tepees, dug holes

The people of the arctic lived in igloos during the winter, which subarctic peoples built lodges.

The people of the arctic lived in igloos during the winter, which subarctic peoples used tents

To complete the sentence, we need to select the option from the first drop-down menu that represents the type of shelter used by the people of the Arctic during the winter. The options in the first drop-down menu are:

1. igloos
2. wigwams
3. cliff dwellings
4. longhouses

Since igloos are commonly associated with the Arctic and provide effective insulation against the cold, we can select "igloos" from the first drop-down menu.

Now, we need to select the option from the second drop-down menu that represents how the subarctic peoples built their shelters. The options in the second drop-down menu are:

1. used tents
2. built lodges
3. carried tepees
4. dug holes

Based on traditional knowledge, we know that subarctic peoples often built lodges as their shelters. Therefore, we can select "built lodges" from the second drop-down menu to complete the sentence.

The completed sentence would then be: "The people of the Arctic lived in igloos during the winter, which subarctic peoples built lodges."