I need help with this test, I flunked the other one, please could you help me?

Use the drop-down menu to complete sentence.

Early people in what is now southern Chile relied on shellfish and seals for food because:
1. There were few land animals to hunt
2. their religious beliefs demanded it.
3.the lack of rain prevented growing crops.
4.they were unable to adapt to their environment

How did the development of agriculture change the lives of early South American peoples?

More groups moved near the coasts.

Groups started to settle in one place.

Civilizations quickly developed.

Many groups developed a social hierarchy.

Place the events in early South American history in correct chronological. Place the earliest event at the top and the last event at the bottom.

South Americans began to domesticate plants.

The Tiahuanaco empire expanded.

The Norte Chico civilization arose.

What had weakened the Incan empire before the Spanish conquered it?

drought and famine

an earthquake

disease and war

a volcanic eruption

How did the Spanish conquest affect culture in the Americas?

The Spanish, American Indian, and African cultures blended over time.

The Spanish destroyed Aztec and Incan cultures so that no trace remained.

Spanish colonists gave up European culture and adopted American Indian ways.

The Spanish kept their own culture, but American Indians adopted African culture.

Which of the following events led to Brazil’s independence?

Getúlio Vargas' overthrow of the government

the liberation of enslaved Afro-Brazilians

Simón Bolívar's uprising

Napoleon's invasion of Portugal

Use the drop-down menu to complete the sentence.

After independence, most South American countries.

1. extended voting rights to all men.

2. established communist systems with command economies.

3.were dominated by wealthy landowne

4. shifted from plantations agriculture to small scale farming

Why did military leaders overthrow the governments of Chile and Argentina in the 1970s?

The governments had jailed and murdered political opponents.

They feared their governments were moving toward communism.

They thought their governments were not doing enough to combat inequality.

They disapproved of their governments using oil revenue to fund social programs.

Why did military leaders overthrow the governments of Chile and Argentina in the 1970s?

The governments had jailed and murdered political opponents.

They feared their governments were moving toward communism.

They thought their governments were not doing enough to combat inequality.

They disapproved of their governments using oil revenue to fund social programs.

Why did military leaders overthrow the governments of Chile and Argentina in the 1970s?

The governments had jailed and murdered political opponents.

They feared their governments were moving toward communism.

They thought their governments were not doing enough to combat inequality.

They disapproved of their governments using oil revenue to fund social programs.

Question 11 of 20
Which are some cultural characteristics of Brazil? Select the two correct answers.

The language spoken is the same as in other South American nations.

It has the largest Catholic population in the world.

Half of its population consists of people of African descent.

Quechua is the official language.

The majority of its descendants are from Spain.

Read the excerpt from a 2013 report on relations between the United States and Brazil. Which phrase indicates that Brazil and the United States had a common interest in protecting human rights?
“The United States was the (first country to recognize Brazil’s independence from Portugal) in 1822, and as the (two largest democracies and economies in the Western Hemisphere), the United States and Brazil are (currently consolidating [building] a foundation for a new partnership) for the 21st century. . . . The United States and Brazil (share a commitment to combat discrimination). . . . The United States is Brazil’s second largest export market. The United States is the leading foreign investor in Brazil. . . .”

—“U.S. Relations with Brazil,” U.S. Department of State, 2013

Why is Brazil's government unique to the region?

It is most like the government of the United States.

It is ruled by a military dictator.

It has a presidential republic unlike other countries in the region.

It is modeled after Portugal's government.

Use the drop-down menu to complete the sentence.

Political corruption can directly hurt a country’s economy because
1. citizens have to work harder to pay off politicians
2. it wastes money that could be invested
3. citizens lose confidence in their elected officials
4. government leaders may be forced out of power

Which has contributed to a reduction of income inequality in Argentina, Bolivia, and Peru?

a decrease in trade with other countries

move from dictatorship to presidential republics

switch from command economies to mixed economies

an increase of people with university degrees

What methods did the Incas use to unify their large empire?
(Written message)

What was the greatest of the Incas’ many achievements? Explain your answer.
(written Message)

How are the economies of South America similar? How are they different?
(Written message)

What were the provisions of the Treaty of Tordesillas?
(Written Message)

Please help i'd mean a lot

Plzzz someone gave the answers I'm crying!!! 😭😭

please some one answer the questions please

Early people in what is now southern Chile relied on shellfish and seals for food because

there were few land animals to hunt.

How did the development of agriculture change the lives of early South American peoples? B.
Groups started to settle in one place.

Place the events in early South American history in correct chronological. Place the earliest event at the top and the last event at the bottom.

South Americans began to domesticate plants.

The Norte Chico civilization arose.

The Tiahuanaco empire expanded.

What had weakened the Incan empire before the Spanish conquered it?

disease and war

I will try to post the rest later, I hope it helps!

Sure, I can help you with the test. Here are the answers:

1. The correct answer is option 1 - There were few land animals to hunt.
2. The correct answer is option B - Groups started to settle in one place.
3. The correct chronological order is:
- The Norte Chico civilization arose.
- South Americans began to domesticate plants.
- The Tiahuanaco empire expanded.
4. The correct answer is option C - disease and war.
5. The correct answer is option A - The Spanish, American Indian, and African cultures blended over time.
6. The correct answer is option D - Napoleon's invasion of Portugal.
7. The correct answer is option 4 - shifted from plantation agriculture to small scale farming.
8. The correct answer is option A - The governments had jailed and murdered political opponents.
9. The correct answer is option C - They thought their governments were not doing enough to combat inequality.
10. The correct answers for cultural characteristics of Brazil are options B - It has the largest Catholic population in the world, and C - Half of its population consists of people of African descent.
11. The phrase indicating a common interest in protecting human rights is "share a commitment to combat discrimination."
12. The correct answer is option C - It has a presidential republic unlike other countries in the region.
13. The correct answer is option 2 - it wastes money that could be invested.
14. The correct answer is option C - switch from command economies to mixed economies.

Unfortunately, I cannot help you with the written message questions. Good luck with the test!

I'd be happy to help you with your test! Let's go through each question and find the correct answers together.

1. The correct answer for this question is option 1: There were few land animals to hunt. To arrive at this answer, we can eliminate options 2, 3, and 4 as they do not make sense or are not supported by the information given. By process of elimination, we are left with option 1 as the most logical choice.

2. The correct answer for this question is option B: Groups started to settle in one place. To arrive at this answer, we can eliminate options A, C, and D as they are not supported by the information given. By process of elimination, we are left with option B as the most logical choice.

3. To answer this question, we need to arrange the events in chronological order. The correct order from earliest to latest is as follows:
1. The Norte Chico civilization arose.
2. South Americans began to domesticate plants.
3. The Tiahuanaco empire expanded.

4. The correct answer for this question is option A: drought and famine. To arrive at this answer, we can eliminate options B, C, and D as they are not supported by the information given. By process of elimination, we are left with option A as the most logical choice.

5. The correct answer for this question is option A: The Spanish, American Indian, and African cultures blended over time. To arrive at this answer, we can eliminate options B, C, and D as they do not align with the information given. By process of elimination, we are left with option A as the most logical choice.

6. The correct answer for this question is option D: Napoleon's invasion of Portugal. To arrive at this answer, we can eliminate options A, B, and C as they do not align with the information given. By process of elimination, we are left with option D as the most logical choice.

7. The correct answer for this question is option 1: extended voting rights to all men. To arrive at this answer, we can eliminate options 2, 3, and 4 as they do not align with the information given. By process of elimination, we are left with option 1 as the most logical choice.

8. The correct answer for this question is option A: The governments had jailed and murdered political opponents. To arrive at this answer, we can eliminate options B, C, and D as they do not align with the information given. By process of elimination, we are left with option A as the most logical choice.

9. The correct answer for this question is option B: It has the largest Catholic population in the world and option C: Half of its population consists of people of African descent. To arrive at this answer, we need to select the two options that align with the information given.

10. The phrase that indicates that Brazil and the United States had a common interest in protecting human rights is "share a commitment to combat discrimination". This phrase highlights a common interest between the two countries in protecting human rights.

11. The correct answer for this question is option C: It has a presidential republic unlike other countries in the region. To arrive at this answer, we can eliminate options A, B, and D as they do not align with the information given. By process of elimination, we are left with option C as the most logical choice.

12. The correct answer for this question is option 2: it wastes money that could be invested. To arrive at this answer, we can eliminate options 1, 3, and 4 as they do not align with the information given. By process of elimination, we are left with option 2 as the most logical choice.

13. The correct answer for this question is option C: switch from command economies to mixed economies. To arrive at this answer, we can eliminate options A, B, and D as they do not align with the information given. By process of elimination, we are left with option C as the most logical choice.

Please note that for the written message questions, I can't answer them directly as they require longer explanations. In these cases, you have to provide your own answers based on the knowledge you have gained from your studies.

I hope this helps you with your test, and don't hesitate to ask if you have any more questions! Good luck!