Use the drop-down menu to complete the sentence.

Despite having little freedom, people under Incan rule benefited from

Use the drop-down menu to complete the sentence.

The social hierarchy of the Incas

Why did the Incas build terraces?

1.Government support during crisis

2.Ranked people according to their importance

3.To increase the amount of fertile farmland

100% I got 1/3 for you guys

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The answers are right


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To answer the question, "Why did the Incas build terraces?", we can look at the historical context and the purpose of terraces in Incan agriculture.

The Incas built terraces primarily to mitigate the challenges posed by their mountainous terrain. These terraces were created by leveling off sections of slopes and building stone walls to create flat, stepped platforms. Here are the reasons why the Incas built terraces:

1. **Agricultural productivity**: The terraces enabled the Incas to cultivate crops on land that would otherwise be unsuitable for farming. The leveled terraces prevented soil erosion caused by heavy rainfall on steep slopes, helped retain moisture, and provided a consistent water supply for irrigation. By creating more arable land, the Incas could increase their agricultural productivity and support their growing population.

2. **Utilizing different ecosystems**: The Incas inhabited diverse geographical regions, including mountains, valleys, and coastal areas. Each of these regions had unique ecosystems with different climate conditions and soil compositions. By constructing terraces, the Incas could adapt to these distinct environments and take advantage of the specific crops that thrived in each area. They could grow a variety of crops such as potatoes, maize, quinoa, and beans across their empire.

3. **Food security**: Terraces allowed the Incas to cultivate crops at various altitudes. By diversifying their agricultural practices, they mitigated the risk of crop failure due to unpredictable weather patterns or natural disasters. If one area experienced drought or frost, they could rely on crops grown on terraces in other regions. This provided a level of food security for the empire.

In summary, the Incas built terraces to overcome the challenges of their mountainous terrain, increase agricultural productivity, utilize different ecosystems, and ensure food security for their empire.