The radius of a hydrogen atom is 0.0000000529177 a millimeter. Express this number as an approximation 1 point

The radius of a hydrogen atom, 0.0000000529177 millimeters, can be approximated to 0.000000053 millimeters.

To express the given number as an approximation, let's look at it in scientific notation.

0.0000000529177 millimeters can be written as 5.29177 × 10^(-8) millimeters.

Rounding this number to 1 significant figure, the approximation would be 5 × 10^(-8) millimeters.

To express the given number as an approximation to 1 decimal place, we need to look at the digit immediately after the first decimal place (tenths place).

The given radius is 0.0000000529177 millimeters. Since the digit immediately following the first decimal place (tenths place) is smaller than 5 (1 in this case), we can round down to the nearest tenth.

Therefore, the approximation to 1 decimal place is 0.0 millimeters.