writing in proper, she is not working and 3kids she providing for them, she is struggling with transport to church

In proper grammar, "She is not working and is providing for three children. Additionally, she is struggling with transportation to church."

If I understand correctly, you are seeking assistance with transportation to church for someone who is not working and is also supporting three children. Here is a step-by-step guide to help address this issue:

1. Reach out to local churches: Start by contacting churches in your area and explaining the situation. Many churches have outreach programs or may be able to provide assistance to families in need.

2. Inquire about transportation services: Ask if the church has any transportation services available for members who are unable to attend services due to a lack of transportation. Some churches provide vans or buses to pick up and drop off members in need.

3. Research community organizations: Look for local community organizations, nonprofits, or government agencies that offer transportation assistance programs. They may have resources specifically designed to help individuals and families with their transportation needs.

4. Apply for government assistance programs: Check if there are any government programs or subsidies available for low-income families to receive transportation assistance. These programs aim to provide support in various areas, including transportation.

5. Seek support from family and friends: Reach out to friends or relatives who may be willing to help with transportation to and from church. Carpooling or sharing rides with others can be a more affordable option.

6. Explore public transportation options: Research public transportation options in your area, such as buses or trains. Look into discounted passes or monthly tickets that could make transportation more affordable for regular church visits.

7. Utilize ride-sharing services: Consider using ride-sharing services like Uber or Lyft as an alternative to traditional transportation methods. Look for promotional codes or discounts to reduce costs.

8. Investigate local carpooling programs: Check if there are any local carpooling programs in your community. These programs connect individuals in need of transportation with others who are traveling in the same direction.

9. Attend online church services: If attending physical church services is not feasible due to transportation challenges, consider participating in online church services. Many churches offer live streaming or recorded services that can be accessed from anywhere with an internet connection.

Remember, it's essential to reach out to different resources and organizations in your community to find the most suitable solution for your transportation needs.

I understand that the person you're referring to is struggling with transportation to church while taking care of three kids. It seems like you're seeking advice for this situation. Here are a few steps that can help address this problem:

1. Identify available transportation options: Start by researching different transportation options in your area. Look for public transportation routes, community programs, or carpooling options that could provide a solution.

2. Reach out to local churches: Talk to various churches in your community and explain the situation. They might have programs or resources available to help individuals in need of transportation. Some churches may organize transportation services or connect you with someone who can assist.

3. Seek support from the community: Reach out to community organizations or nonprofits that provide assistance to families in need. They might be able to offer transportation help or connect you with resources available in your area.

4. Network with other families: Talk to friends, neighbors, or other parents at your children's school who attend the same church or face similar challenges. Carpooling with others could be a viable option, reducing the burden on each family.

5. Explore online resources: Investigate online platforms or apps that connect people for carpooling purposes. There may be specific websites or social media groups related to your community where you can find transportation assistance.

Additionally, it's worth considering alternative options for worship, such as online church services or gatherings held at different times or locations that may be more accessible. It's essential to communicate your situation and seek support from your church community, other families, and local resources to find a suitable solution.