To convert a percent to a decimal, move the decimal to the ________.


Elizabeth read 1920

of her book.

What percentage is equivalent to the fraction of the book that Elizabeth read?

A 80%80%
B 95%95%
C 75%75%
D 90%

To find the percentage equivalent of a fraction, you need to divide the numerator (the number on the top) by the denominator (the number on the bottom) and multiply by 100.

In this case, Elizabeth read 1920 out of the total number of books. The total number of books would be the denominator.

Percentage = (1920 / total number of books) * 100

Since the total number of books is not mentioned in the given question, I cannot calculate the exact percentage. Therefore, none of the given options can be considered as the correct answer.

Elizabeth read 19/20

of her book.

What percentage is equivalent to the fraction of the book that Elizabeth read?

A 80%80%
B 95%95%
C 75%75%
D 90%

To find the percentage equivalent of a fraction, you need to divide the numerator (the number on the top) by the denominator (the number on the bottom) and multiply by 100.

In this case, Elizabeth read 19 out of 20 books.

Percentage = (19 / 20) * 100

Calculating this:
Percentage = 0.95 * 100
Percentage = 95%

Therefore, the correct answer is option B: 95%.

Landry took a survey of all the sixth-grade students at Irvine Park Middle School and discovered that 35% of sixth-graders play sports.

What fraction of sixth-graders play sports?


To find the fraction equivalent of a percentage, you need to divide the percentage value by 100.

In this case, the percentage of sixth-graders who play sports is 35%.

Fraction = 35 / 100

Simplifying this fraction:
Fraction = 7 / 20

Therefore, the fraction of sixth-graders who play sports is 7/20.

Wade walked 0.58 mile to school.

Which value is equivalent to 0.58?


To determine which value is equivalent to 0.58, we can compare the given options:

A) 58
B) 0.85
C) 580
D) 0.058

The value 0.58 is already in decimal form, and none of the given options are exactly equivalent to it. Hence, none of the given options is the correct value equivalent to 0.58.

Wade walked 0.58 mile to school.

Which value is equivalent to 0.58?

A. 5.8%
B. 5/8
C. 58/50
D. 58%