Convert each fraction ( or mixed number) to its equivalent decimal and percent. a. 6 6/100 b. 104/325

a. 6 6/100

To convert the mixed number to a decimal, we add the whole number part to the fraction part:

6 + 6/100 = 6.06

To convert the decimal to a percent, we multiply by 100:

6.06 * 100 = 606%

So, 6 6/100 is equivalent to 6.06 as a decimal and 606% as a percent.

b. 104/325

To convert the fraction to a decimal, we divide the numerator by the denominator:

104/325 ≈ 0.320

To convert the decimal to a percent, we multiply by 100:

0.320 * 100 = 32%

So, 104/325 is equivalent to 0.320 as a decimal and 32% as a percent.