Covert each percent to its equivalent fraction or mixed number and simplify to its lowest term. (2) 9 6/7%

To convert 9 6/7% to a fraction, we first convert the whole number part and the fraction part separately.

Converting the whole number part:
9% = 9/100

Converting the fraction part:

To convert a fraction to a percentage, we divide the numerator by the denominator and multiply by 100:
6/7 * 100 = 600/7%

Now, we can add the two parts together:
9/100 + 600/7% = (9/100) + (600/7) * (1/100) = 9/100 + 600/700 = (9*7 + 600) / 700 = 633/700

Therefore, 9 6/7% is equivalent to 633/700 when simplified to its lowest terms.