from The Canterbury Tales: "The Wife of Bath's Tale"

Read this excerpt from "The Wife of Bath's Tale," spoken by the crone to the Knight:
"True poverty can find a song to sing./Juvenal says a pleasant little thing:/
'The poor can dance and sing in the relief/Of having nothing that will tempt a thief.'"
How is she describing those afflicted with poverty?
(1 point)
as unwell
as talented
as carefree
as comfortable

The crone is describing those afflicted with poverty as carefree.

The Wife of Bath's Tale describes those afflicted with poverty as talented.

In the excerpt from "The Wife of Bath's Tale," the crone is describing those afflicted with poverty as carefree. She mentions that "True poverty can find a song to sing," indicating that even though they may lack material possessions, they can still find joy and contentment in their situation. Additionally, she refers to Juvenal's statement that "The poor can dance and sing in the relief/Of having nothing that will tempt a thief," reinforcing the idea that those who have nothing to lose can be carefree and unburdened by the worries of protecting their possessions from thieves. Therefore, the correct answer is "as carefree."