Convert 3 18/25 to a decimal using long division.

To convert 3 18/25 to a decimal using long division, follow these steps:

1. Divide the numerator (18) by the denominator (25): 18 ÷ 25. The quotient is 0.

25 | 18

2. Add a decimal point after the 0 and place a 0 as the next digit after the decimal point: 0.0

25 | 18

3. Multiply the quotient (0) by the denominator (25) and place the result (0) below the 18. Subtract the result from 18: 18 - 0 = 18.

25 | 18
- 0

4. Bring down the next digit from the dividend, which is 0, and place it after the 18: 180.

25 | 18
- 0

5. Divide 180 by 25: 180 ÷ 25. The quotient is 7.

25 | 18
- 0

6. Multiply the quotient (7) by the denominator (25) and place the result (175) below the 180. Subtract the result from 180: 180 - 175 = 5.

25 | 18
- 0
- 175

7. Since there are no more digits to bring down, the final remainder is 50.

8. To convert the remainder to a decimal, divide it by the divisor: 50 ÷ 25. The result is 2.


Therefore, 3 18/25 as a decimal is 0.072.

To convert 3 18/25 to a decimal using long division, follow these steps:

Step 1: Write down the whole number part (3) and the fractional part (18/25).
3 18/25

Step 2: Multiply the denominator (25) by the whole number (3), then add the numerator (18) to get the new dividend.
3 x 25 = 75 + 18 = 93

Step 3: Set up the division problem by placing the new dividend (93) as the dividend inside the long division symbol (÷), and the denominator (25) as the divisor outside the symbol.
25 | 93

Step 4: Divide the first digit of the dividend (9) by the divisor (25). Write the quotient (0) above the division symbol, and the remainder (9) below the dividend.
25 | 93


Step 5: Bring down the next digit from the dividend (0) and write it next to the remainder (50). This results in a new dividend (500).


Step 6: Divide the new dividend (500) by the divisor (25).
25 | 500

Step 7: The division is now complete. The quotient obtained is 0.72.

Therefore, 3 18/25 as a decimal using long division is 3.72.

To convert the mixed number 3 18/25 to a decimal using long division, follow these steps:

Step 1: Rewrite the mixed number as an improper fraction.
3 18/25 = (3 * 25 + 18) / 25 = 93/25

Step 2: Perform long division by dividing the numerator (93) by the denominator (25).

25 | 93.00

Step 3: Read the quotient as the decimal value.

The decimal representation of 3 18/25 is 3.72.

Therefore, the decimal representation of 3 18/25 using long division is 3.72.