The statement below describes a situation in which opposite quantities combine to make 0. Is the statement true or false?

A diver descends to the shipwreck and, after he is done exploring, returns to the surface of the water.

The statement is true. When the diver descends to the shipwreck, they are moving downward, which can be represented as a negative quantity. However, when the diver returns to the surface of the water, they are moving upward, which can be represented as a positive quantity. These opposite quantities cancel each other out, resulting in a total of 0.

The statement is true. When the diver descends to the shipwreck, the depth increases, which is a negative quantity. When the diver returns to the surface, the depth decreases, which is a positive quantity. Therefore, the opposite quantities of depth combine to make 0.

The given statement is true.

When the diver descends into the water, the force of gravity pulls him down, causing him to lose altitude. This downward force can be represented as a negative quantity. However, when the diver returns to the surface, an opposite force acts upon him, pushing him upwards. This upward force can be represented as a positive quantity.

Since the opposite forces, one negative (downward pull of gravity) and one positive (upward force), combine together, they cancel each other out, resulting in a net force of 0. Therefore, the statement accurately describes a situation where opposite quantities combine to make 0.