Nicolas plays two rounds of golf. In the first round, he scores 3 under par, and he scores 3 over par for the second round. Are these opposite quantities whose sum is 0? Respond 1 if these quantities are opposites. Respond 2 if these quantities are not opposites.

no bot it is 1 ............ your are mf dumb

To determine if these quantities are opposites, we need to determine if their sum is equal to 0.

In the first round, Nicolas scores 3 under par, which means his score is -3.

In the second round, Nicolas scores 3 over par, which means his score is +3.

To find the sum of these two quantities:

-3 + 3 = 0

Since the sum of -3 and +3 is 0, these quantities are indeed opposites.

Therefore, the correct response is 1.

To determine if two quantities are opposites, we need to check if their sum is equal to zero.

Let's consider the scores in golf rounds. In the first round, Nicolas scores 3 under par, which means his score is 3 less than par. In the second round, he scores 3 over par, which means his score is 3 more than par.

To find out if these quantities are opposites, we add them together:
3 under par + 3 over par = -3 + 3 = 0

Since the sum of these quantities is 0, we can conclude that they are indeed opposites.

Therefore, the correct response is 1.