Nicolas plays two rounds of golf. In the first round, he scores 3 under par, and he scores 3 over par for the second round. Are these opposite quantities whose sum is 0? Respond 1 if these quantities are opposites. Respond 2 if these quantities are not opposites.(1 point)

1. We need to determine if the quantities mentioned are opposites.

2. In golf, being under par means scoring better than the expected number of strokes, while being over par means scoring worse than the expected number of strokes.
3. The first round score is 3 under par, meaning Nicolas scored 3 strokes better than expected.
4. The second round score is 3 over par, meaning Nicolas scored 3 strokes worse than expected.
5. To check if these are opposites, we need to compare the numerical value of the quantities.
6. The first round score of 3 under par can be represented as -3.
7. The second round score of 3 over par can be represented as +3.
8. Since -3 and +3 have opposite signs and their sum is 0, we can conclude that these quantities are indeed opposites.
9. Therefore, the answer is 1 - these quantities are opposites.