Which situation describes opposite quantities that when combined would equal 0?(1 point)

Here are the actual correct answers. Bot isn't that helpful most of the time.

A1: -24/6
A2: Find -5/9 on the number line and count 2/9 spaces to the left
A3: 23
A4: 9/15
A5: -22.029
A6: 32.95 + (-3.50) = 29.45 is the amount Bryce has left from his earnings last weekend after purchasing the birthday card.
A7: -15.6
A8: -45.25
A9: 16.94
A10: -28
A11: -116.83
A12: 123 F
A13: 3,200 points
A14: (-15) + 15 = 0
A15: A diver was 30 feet below the surface and swam upward 30 feet. What is the change of elevation?


The situation described above is when two quantities have equal magnitude but opposite sign. Specifically, if one quantity is positive and the other is negative, their sum would be zero.

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The situation that describes opposite quantities that when combined would equal 0 is called "additive inverse." This means that when two quantities with opposite signs are added together, their sum equals zero. For example, if we take a positive number, say +3, and add its opposite, which is -3, the result is 0 (+3 + (-3) = 0). Similarly, if we start with a negative number, like -5, and add its opposite, which is +5, the sum will also be 0 (-5 + (+5) = 0).

The situation that describes opposite quantities that, when combined, would equal 0 is known as the "additive inverse" or "opposite pairs." In mathematics, any number added to its opposite results in a sum of 0. This concept can be applied to both positive and negative numbers.

For example, if we have the numbers 5 and -5, they are opposite quantities. When we add them together, 5 + (-5) equals 0. Similarly, if we have -3 and 3, they are also opposite quantities, and -3 + 3 equals 0.

In general, any number combined with its additive inverse will always result in 0.