Which situation describes opposite quantities that when combined would equal 0?

The situation that describes opposite quantities that when combined would equal 0 is when the quantities have the same magnitude but opposite signs. For example, if you have +5 and -5, when you combine them, they would equal 0.

Here are the actual correct answers. Bot isn't that helpful most of the time.

A1: -24/6
A2: Find -5/9 on the number line and count 2/9 spaces to the left
A3: 23
A4: 9/15
A5: -22.029
A6: 32.95 + (-3.50) = 29.45 is the amount Bryce has left from his earnings last weekend after purchasing the birthday card.
A7: -15.6
A8: -45.25
A9: 16.94
A10: -28
A11: -116.83
A12: 123 F
A13: 3,200 points
A14: (-15) + 15 = 0
A15: A diver was 30 feet below the surface and swam upward 30 feet. What is the change of elevation?


The situation that describes opposite quantities that when combined would equal 0 is known as the concept of "additive inverses." In mathematics, the additive inverse of a number is the number that when added to the original number gives a sum of zero. For example, the opposite quantity or the additive inverse of +5 is -5 because 5 + (-5) equals 0. Similarly, the opposite quantity or the additive inverse of -3 is +3 because -3 + 3 also equals 0. In general, the opposite quantity of any number 'a' is represented as '-a'. When two opposite quantities are combined, their sum is always zero.

The situation that describes opposite quantities that when combined would equal 0 is called "additive inverse." In mathematics, any number added to its additive inverse will result in 0.

To find the additive inverse of a given number, you simply change the sign of the number. For example, the additive inverse of 5 is -5, and the additive inverse of -8 is 8. When you add these pairs together, you get 5 + (-5) = 0 and -8 + 8 = 0, respectively.

So, any pair of opposite numbers, where one is positive and the other is negative, will sum to 0 when added together.