It's important to use punctuation in text messages.

Select the piece of evidence that best supports this claim.

- Using punctuation helps to convey meaning clearly in text messages.

- Without punctuation, messages can be misinterpreted or misunderstood.
- Punctuation can help to prevent confusion and ensure that the intended message is understood.
- Research has shown that using punctuation in text messages leads to more effective communication.

One piece of evidence that supports the claim that it's important to use punctuation in text messages is that it can prevent miscommunication or misunderstandings. Without punctuation, it may be difficult for the recipient to interpret the intended meaning of the message. Punctuation helps to add clarity and structure to the text, making it easier for the reader to understand the message accurately.

To find the best piece of evidence that supports the claim "It's important to use punctuation in text messages," you can start by considering the reasons why punctuation is important in text messages. One possible reason is that punctuation helps to clarify the intended meaning of a message and avoid misunderstandings. With this reasoning in mind, you can search for examples or studies that demonstrate how the absence of punctuation in text messages can lead to confusion or misinterpretation. By examining such evidence, you can identify the strongest piece that supports the claim.