Which of the following describes an inference?

evidence from the text that supports a conclusion

information directly provided in a text

a definition of an important term in a text

a guess made about what a text is saying

a guess made about what a text is saying

An inference is best described as a guess made about what a text is saying.

An inference is the process of using evidence or clues from a text to make a logical conclusion or guess about something that is not directly stated. Inference involves going beyond the explicit information given in the text and drawing upon prior knowledge and context to reach a reasoned interpretation.

Out of the options you provided, "evidence from the text that supports a conclusion" best describes an inference. When we make an inference, we gather information or evidence from the text and use it to support a conclusion or make an educated guess about something that is not explicitly stated. Inferences are often based on connecting various pieces of information and understanding the implied meaning or intention behind the text.