Evan wants to have code in a game that will make it possible to change the speed of a swimmer in the game which of these does Ivan need?

A.a boolean value b. Output c. A variable d. A database

C. A variable.

In order to change the speed of a swimmer in the game, Evan would need to use a variable to store and manipulate the speed value. A variable allows the program to store and modify data as needed. The other options (a boolean value, output, and a database) are not directly related to the specific task of changing the speed of a swimmer in the game.

To change the speed of a swimmer in a game, Evan would need a variable.

A variable is a container that holds a value, and it can be used to store and manipulate data in a program. In this case, Evan would need a variable to store and update the speed of the swimmer as the game progresses. By modifying the value of this variable, Evan can control the speed of the swimmer in the game.

To change the speed of a swimmer in a game, Ivan will need a variable.

A variable is a named storage location in computer programming that can hold different values. In this case, Ivan can create a variable to represent the swimmer's speed. By assigning different values to this variable, the speed of the swimmer can be changed dynamically during the game.

Here's an example of how Ivan can use a variable in code to change the speed of a swimmer:

1. Declare a variable for the swimmer's speed:
int swimmerSpeed;

2. Assign an initial value to the variable:
swimmerSpeed = 5; // Assuming 5 is the default speed

3. Update the variable whenever the speed needs to change, based on user input or game logic:
// Example of increasing the speed
swimmerSpeed += 2; // Increase the speed by 2 units

// Example of decreasing the speed
swimmerSpeed -= 1; // Decrease the speed by 1 unit

By using a variable, Ivan can easily manipulate the swimmer's speed in the game code, allowing for dynamic changes based on different conditions or interactions.