Below are in-text citations for an encyclopedia article. Select the one that is completely correct.

("Herbivore" 14)
("Herbivore" p. 14)
("Herbivore," 14)
(Herbivore 14)

("Herbivore" 14)

The correct in-text citation is: ("Herbivore," 14)

The correct in-text citation for an encyclopedia article depends on the citation style being used. However, the most common citation styles, such as APA and MLA, have specific formats for citing encyclopedia articles.

In APA style, the correct in-text citation would be ("Herbivore," 14). The article title is enclosed in quotation marks, followed by a comma before the page number.

In MLA style, the correct in-text citation would be ("Herbivore" 14). The article title is also enclosed in quotation marks, and there is no need for a comma before the page number.

So, considering the given options, the completely correct in-text citation would be ("Herbivore," 14).