Which of the following is an example of a primary source?(1 point)


a biography of a historical figure
a biography of a historical figure

an eyewitness interview
an eyewitness interview

an encyclopedia article
an encyclopedia article

a history textboo

a history textbook

The correct answer is:

an eyewitness interview

The correct answer is "an eyewitness interview." An eyewitness interview can be considered a primary source because it provides firsthand accounts and direct evidence of an event or experience from someone who was present at the time. To determine the type of source, it's important to understand the characteristics of primary sources.

Primary sources are original materials that were created or generated during the time period being studied. They are usually created by individuals who directly participated in or witnessed the events being described. These sources can include firsthand accounts, speeches, diaries, letters, photographs, and interviews.

In this case, an eyewitness interview involves interviewing someone who witnessed an event and capturing their personal experiences, memories, and perspectives. By talking to someone who was actually there, we can gain valuable insights and information that may not be found in secondary sources such as textbooks or encyclopedias.

So, when determining whether a source is primary or not, look for sources that provide firsthand accounts or direct evidence from individuals who were involved or witnessed the events at the time.