Sarah often posts about her personal and family matters on social media, including sensitive details about her relationships and personal struggles. What potential risk does Sarah face due to oversharing such personal information from the options below?

Loss of control over her digital footprint and privacy.

Unauthorised access to her social media accounts.

Exposure to online scams and phishing attempts.

Damage to personal and professional relationships

All of the above.

The potential risk that Sarah faces due to oversharing such personal information is loss of control over her digital footprint and privacy.

The potential risk that Sarah faces due to oversharing personal information on social media is the loss of control over her digital footprint and privacy. By sharing sensitive details about her relationships and personal struggles, Sarah is making this information accessible to a large audience, including people who she may not know or trust. This can lead to her losing control over how this information is used or processed. For example, her posts may be saved or shared without her knowledge or consent, which can have long-lasting consequences. Additionally, this information can be used by malicious individuals for nefarious purposes, such as identity theft or cyberbullying. It is important for Sarah to consider the potential ramifications of sharing personal information online and to take steps to protect her privacy and digital footprint. This can involve adjusting her privacy settings, being mindful of who she interacts with online, and refraining from sharing sensitive information that could be used against her in the future.