Sarah, a teenager, met someone online who claimed to be a 17-year-old boy named Mike. They connected through a social media platform and started a romantic relationship. However, after several months of exchanging messages and pictures, Sarah discovered that "Mike" was actually a 45-year-old man pretending to be a teenager. This scenario is an example of:


The unauthorized access to a person's social media account.

A type of cyber-attack targeting computer networks.




The correct answer is: Catfishing.

Catfishing is the act of creating a fake online persona, typically for deceptive purposes such as forming emotional connections or engaging in fraudulent activities. In this scenario, Sarah was led to believe she was in a romantic relationship with a 17-year-old boy named Mike, when in reality, the person behind the online profile was a 45-year-old man pretending to be a teenager.

To identify this as catfishing, Sarah would have likely noticed inconsistencies or suspicious behavior from the person she was communicating with online. It's important to exercise caution when forming relationships online, especially with people you have never met in person. Verifying the identity of people you interact with online can help prevent falling victim to catfishing or other deceptive schemes. Additionally, if you suspect that someone is catfishing you or engaging in deceptive behavior online, it's essential to report the incident to the appropriate platform or authorities.