Refiloe rarely posts on social media and prefers to keep her personal life private. However, her friends occasionally tag her in photos and mention her in posts. What describes Refiloe's digital footprint?

Social digital footprint.

Localised digital footprint.

Passive digital footprint

Active digital footprint.

Passive digital footprint

Emily often visits websites and reads articles, but she does not interact with the content, comment on posts, nor share articles she reads with others. She clears her browser history every week and deletes all cookies. Which of the following options describes Emily's digital footprint?

Passive digital footprint

Both active and passive footprint.

No digital footprint.

Active digital footprint.

No digital footprint.

Sarah often posts about her personal and family matters on social media, including sensitive details about her relationships and personal struggles. What potential risk does Sarah face due to oversharing such personal information?

Damage to personal and professional relationships

Unauthorised access to her social media accounts.

Loss of control over her digital footprint and privacy.

Exposure to online scams and phishing attempts.

Damage to personal and professional relationships

Lindiwe, a filmmaker, produces a short documentary and uploads it to a video-sharing platform. What is the status of copyright protection for Lindiwe's documentary?

Copyright protection is automatic and applies as soon as Lindiwe creates the documentary.

Lindiwe needs to enter the documentary into film festivals for copyright protection

Copyright protection only applies to documentaries aired on television networks

Lindiwe needs to obtain a license from the platform to protect her documenta

Copyright protection is automatic and applies as soon as Lindiwe creates the documentary.

Robert is a social media user and regularly posts updates about his personal life, including pictures, videos, and location check-ins. He often shares his opinions on various topics. Which of the following options describes Robert's digital footprint?

Active digital footprint.

Social digital footprint.

Localised digital footprint.

Passive digital footprint.

Active digital footprint.

Rethabile discovered a suspicious app on her smartphone that she did not remember installing. The app requested extensive permissions to access her personal information and device features. Concerned about her privacy and potential malware, what action should Rethabile take to protect herself?

Grant the app permissions as requested to see its functionality.

Share her personal information with the app to ensure its proper functioning.

Contact customer support for the app and report the suspicious behavior.

Remove the app immediately from her smartphone.