Refiloe rarely posts on social media and prefers to keep her personal life private.However , her friends occasionally tag her in photos and mention her posts. What describes Refiloe's digital footprint?

Refiloe's digital footprint can be described as minimal or limited.

Refiloe's digital footprint can be described as minimal or limited. While she doesn't actively contribute much personal information or posts on social media, her friends occasionally mentioning her or tagging her in photos contribute to her digital presence. However, this presence is relatively small compared to someone who regularly shares personal details and updates on social media. Refiloe's digital footprint is primarily shaped by the activities of others rather than her own active participation.

Refiloe's digital footprint can be described as limited or minimal. Although she doesn't actively post on social media and likes to keep her personal life private, her friends occasionally tag her in photos and mention her posts. This means that there are some instances where her presence can be found online, but it is not extensive compared to someone who frequently shares personal information and updates.