Which of the following design principles is evident on this dish?

(1 point)

texture and harmony
texture and harmony
asymmetrical balance and pattern
asymmetrical balance and pattern
radial balance and pattern
radial balance and pattern
symmetrical balance and harmony

It is not possible to determine the design principles evident on the dish without more information or a visual reference.

To determine which design principle is evident on the dish, we would need more information such as a description or visual reference of the dish. Please provide more details or context so I can assist you better.

To determine which design principle is evident on a dish, you need to visually analyze the dish and consider the various elements at play. Here are the design principles listed as options:

1. Texture and harmony
2. Asymmetrical balance and pattern
3. Radial balance and pattern
4. Symmetrical balance and harmony

First, let's discuss each design principle briefly:

1. Texture: This refers to the visual or tactile surface qualities of the design, such as roughness or smoothness.
2. Harmony: It is the visual coherence or unity of all the design elements, creating a sense of balance and consistency.
3. Asymmetrical balance: It involves arranging different elements in an uneven or non-symmetrical way while maintaining a sense of balance.
4. Pattern: It is the repetition of visual elements to create a sense of order and regularity.
5. Radial balance: It involves arranging elements around a central point, creating a sense of symmetry radiating from the center.
6. Symmetrical balance: It is the even distribution of elements on either side of an imaginary central axis, creating a mirror-like effect.

Now, to determine the design principle evident on the dish, you would need to closely observe its visual elements. Look for regular patterns, repetition, and overall balance. Are the elements arranged symmetrically or asymmetrically? Is there a sense of unity and coherence in terms of texture and harmony?

Since I don't have the ability to see the dish, I cannot provide a specific answer based on visual analysis. However, by following the explanation above and visually analyzing the dish yourself, you should be able to identify the appropriate design principle present on the dish.