What barriers in communication can occur on the part of the listener or speaker?

(1 point)

a. communication roadblocks

b. hearing impairments

c. speech impairments

d. verbal disagreements

a. communication roadblocks

Barriers in communication can occur on the part of the listener or the speaker. Examples include:

1. Communication roadblocks: These are obstacles that hinder effective communication, such as language barriers, cultural differences, or lack of understanding.

2. Hearing impairments: Listeners with hearing impairments may struggle to comprehend spoken words and may require accommodations like sign language interpretation or assistive listening devices.

3. Speech impairments: Speakers with speech impairments, such as stuttering or specific speech disorders, may find it challenging to be understood by others, leading to communication difficulties.

4. Verbal disagreements: When there are conflicts or differences in opinions between the speaker and listener, effective communication can become obstructed. This may occur due to disagreements in beliefs, values, or perspectives.

So, the correct answer is:

a. communication roadblocks

The barriers in communication that can occur on the part of the listener or speaker include:

a. Communication Roadblocks: These are obstacles that prevent effective communication from taking place. Examples of communication roadblocks include distractions, lack of attention, cultural differences, language barriers, and biases.

b. Hearing impairments: When a listener has difficulty hearing or is completely deaf, it can hinder effective communication. In such cases, alternative methods like sign language or written communication may be necessary.

c. Speech impairments: If a speaker has difficulties with speech, such as stuttering, stammering, or other speech disorders, it can make it challenging for others to understand them. It may require patience, active listening, and possibly the use of alternative forms of communication to overcome these barriers.

d. Verbal disagreements: When there are conflicting opinions or disagreements between the listener and speaker, it can hinder communication. This often occurs when there is a lack of mutual understanding, respect, or willingness to listen to each other's viewpoints.

To overcome these barriers, it is crucial to practice effective communication techniques. Both the speaker and the listener can employ strategies to enhance communication, such as active listening, clarifying misunderstandings, using non-verbal cues, adapting the communication style to accommodate different needs, and promoting open-mindedness and respect in discussions.