How can audio media influence a listener’s experience of a poem?(1 point)

The speaker’s voice adds drama and emotion.

The speaker can’t convey tone through audio.

The listener uses context clues to define unknown words.

The listener can tell exactly where stanzas end.

The speaker’s voice adds drama and emotion.

The speaker’s voice adds drama and emotion.

In order to determine how audio media can influence a listener's experience of a poem, we can analyze each statement and assess its relevance to the question.

1. "The speaker’s voice adds drama and emotion." This statement suggests that the way the poem is read or interpreted by the speaker can enhance the listener's experience. The tone, intonation, and emphasis placed on certain words or phrases can evoke specific emotions and create a more engaging experience for the listener.

2. "The speaker can’t convey tone through audio." This statement implies that the speaker's voice cannot effectively convey the intended tone of the poem. However, this claim is contradictory to the previous statement that highlights the impact of the speaker's voice on the listener's experience. Therefore, we can disregard this statement as it does not contribute to answering the question.

3. "The listener uses context clues to define unknown words." This statement is relevant to the question as audio media can provide contextual information and cues, such as background music or sound effects, that help the listener understand the meaning of unfamiliar words or phrases within the poem.

4. "The listener can tell exactly where stanzas end." This statement indicates that audio media can provide clear cues, such as pauses or changes in intonation, to indicate where each stanza of the poem ends. This can assist the listener in following the structure and organization of the poem, thereby enhancing their understanding and appreciation of it.

Based on the above analysis, statement 1 ("The speaker’s voice adds drama and emotion") and statement 3 ("The listener uses context clues to define unknown words") are relevant to how audio media can influence a listener's experience of a poem.