Miguel wants to work for a non-profit that helps homeless people find jobs and housing. What is guiding Miguel’s career decision?


1. his job outlook

2. his job environment

3. his lifestyle

4. his values

4. his values


Hello! How can I assist you today?

Use the paragraph to answer the question.

You may not think earthquakes and volcanoes can go
together, but they are unlikely friends, creating
sensations under the earth’s surface. Most
earthquakes occur because of the movement of
tectonic plates previously described. Sometimes
earthquakes happen below a volcano. This happens
because magma, which is hot molten rock beneath
the earth’s surface, pushes on rock until it breaks the
rock and seeps into it. Then, the magma builds more
pressure until it leaks more magma into the crack.
Little earthquakes happen each time the rock breaks
and lets in more magma. These little earthquakes are
too small to feel. They are called harmonic tremors,
perhaps because of their constant release of energy,
like one long song played underground.

What is the main idea?

a. Sometimes earthquakes happen below volcanoes due to the pressure of magma on rock.

b. Earthquakes cause volcanoes

c. Earthquakes are caused by the movement of tectonic plates.

(also, I know this question is probably easy I'm just stupid...)

The main idea of the paragraph is:

a. Sometimes earthquakes happen below volcanoes due to the pressure of magma on rock.

Which text connection is used in this passage? (the one that i just had you read)

a. Compare and contrast

b. Problem and solution

c. Description

d. Cause and effect

The text connection used in the passage is:

d. Cause and effect

The platypus is an Australian mammal that is not

easily classified. It is one of only two mammals (the
other being the echidna) that bears young by laying
eggs. In some respects, the platypus resembles a
duck; both have webbed feet and bills. The platypus
has a tail like a beaver’s and a furry body similar to
an otter’s. Its unusual hybrid of body parts makes it
well-suited for its largely aquatic life. The platypus
uses its webbed feet to paddle through water, and its
tail serves as a kind of rudder for steering. While
underwater, the platypus uses its bill to scoop up bits
of food, such as insects and shellfish, from the
water’s bottom. The platypus also scoops up bits of
gravel, which grind up the food, as the platypus is
toothless. The platypus stores the food and gravel in
its cheeks until it reaches the water’s surface. Once
the platypus surfaces, it consumes its meal.

Which best summarizes this passage?

a. Platypusses are aquatic mammals. They eat insects and

b. Platypusses are unusual creatures. They lay eggs and
have webbed feet and a bill, even though they are
mammals. They use their bill to scoop up food and stones
underwater and use the stones to grind up the food.

c. The platypus is an Australian mammal that is not easily
classified. It is one of only two mammals that bears young
by laying eggs. In some respects, the platypus resembles a
duck; both have webbed feet and bills. The platypus has a
tail like a beaver’s and a furry body similar to an otter’s. Its
unusual hybrid of body parts makes it well-suited for its
largely aquatic life.

b. Platypusses are unusual creatures. They lay eggs and have webbed feet and a bill, even though they are mammals. They use their bill to scoop up food and stones underwater and use the stones to grind up the food.

"A platypus is a mammal; however, unlike most mammals, it lays eggs."

What is the connection between these ideas?

a. Problem and solution

b. Contrast

c. Description

d. Cause and effect