"Immigrants who arrive in America cities are poor and frightened. They are helped to find jobs and housing.These newcomers should show their gratitude at voting time"

Who most likely would have said this?
1.political boss
2.factory owner
3.labor union member
4. Religious leader

well, who is interested in votes?

Based on the given statement, it is most likely that a political boss would have said this. Political bosses often had control over jobs and housing arrangements, and they would expect gratitude from immigrants in the form of votes in return for their assistance.

Based on the statement given, it is difficult to determine the exact speaker's identity. However, we can analyze the statement to identify the most likely speaker among the options provided.

1. Political boss: It is possible that a political boss could have said this statement to gain support and loyalty from immigrants by implying a reciprocal relationship between the boss's assistance and the immigrants' political support at voting time. However, the statement does not explicitly reflect a political agenda or a call for political support, so this option may not be the most likely.

2. Factory owner: A factory owner may have concerns about finding a reliable and available workforce, which could lead them to provide assistance to new immigrant workers. However, the statement implies a political expectation from the newcomers, which is beyond the usual scope of a factory owner's influence.

3. Labor union member: A labor union member would likely focus on advocating for workers' rights and fair treatment, rather than specifically discussing voting behavior. While they may support newcomers in finding jobs and housing, the statement's emphasis on gratitude at voting time does not align with typical labor union discussions or concerns.

4. Religious leader: Religious leaders often play a role in supporting and assisting immigrant communities. They may offer aid, community resources, and advocacy. However, the focus on expressing gratitude at voting time appears to be more politically oriented rather than explicitly religious, so this may not be the most likely option.

Based on the analysis, the most likely speaker of this statement would be a political boss.