Use the statement to answer the question.“Immigrants who arrive in American cities are poor and frightened. They are helped to find jobs and housing. These newcomers should show their gratitude at voting time.” Who most likely would have said this?

This statement was likely said by a politician or political leader who wanted to encourage immigrants to vote for them.

Based on the statement provided, it is difficult to determine the specific individual who may have said this. However, this statement reflects a viewpoint that suggests assistance given to immigrants in finding jobs and housing should be reciprocated through their participation in voting. This perspective may align with certain people who hold conservative or nativist beliefs, but it is important to note that this is a generalization and individuals of different backgrounds and political beliefs may also express similar views.

Based on the provided statement, it is likely that someone who is supportive of immigrants and believes in assisting them with job finding and housing would have made this statement. They also suggest that these newcomers should express their gratitude by voting. It is difficult to determine the exact individual who might have made this statement without additional context. However, it could be a politician, activist, or supporter of immigrants' rights who believes in both providing assistance to immigrants and encouraging their participation in the political process.