Use scientific notation to determine which of these numbers has the least value: 86,659,000; 867,450,000; 86,423,000. Write your answer in scientific notation, expressed to the exact decimal place.

A. 86.659 × 10^8
B. 8.6745 × 10^8
C. 8.6659 × 10^7
D. 8.6423 × 10^7

To determine which number has the least value, we can compare the coefficients in scientific notation.

In scientific notation, the number is written as a coefficient multiplied by a power of 10.

For the given numbers:

86,659,000 = 8.6659 × 10^7
867,450,000 = 8.6745 × 10^8
86,423,000 = 8.6423 × 10^7

Comparing the coefficients, we can see that 8.6423 is the smallest.

Therefore, the number with the least value is represented in scientific notation as D. 8.6423 × 10^7.

To determine the least value among these numbers using scientific notation, we need to compare the coefficients (the numbers before multiplying by the power of 10).

The numbers in scientific notation are:
A. 86.659 × 10^8
B. 8.6745 × 10^8
C. 8.6659 × 10^7
D. 8.6423 × 10^7

From the given options, we can see that the coefficient of option C (8.6659) is the smallest among the coefficients. Therefore, the number in scientific notation with the least value is C. 8.6659 × 10^7.

To determine which number has the least value using scientific notation, we need to compare the values of the exponents. The smaller the exponent, the smaller the value of the number.

Let's write the numbers in scientific notation:

A. 86,659,000 = 8.6659 × 10^7
B. 867,450,000 = 8.6745 × 10^8
C. 86,423,000 = 8.6423 × 10^7

Comparing the exponents, we can see that option C has the smallest exponent, which means it has the least value.

Therefore, the number with the least value is 8.6423 × 10^7.