Which is a real word problem that can be solved with the sum 102.50 +(-39.95). Nana earned 102.50 last weekend he spent 39.95

Nana earned $102.50 last weekend. He spent $39.95. How much money does he have left now?

To solve the real-life word problem of Nana's expenses, follow these steps:

Step 1: Write down the given information:
Nana earned $102.50 last weekend.
Nana spent $39.95.

Step 2: Set up the problem as an addition equation:
Nana's earnings + Nana's expenses = Total amount
102.50 - 39.95 = Total amount

Step 3: Perform the calculation:
102.50 + (-39.95) = Total amount

Step 4: Simplify the addition:
62.55 = Total amount

Therefore, the total amount Nana has left after deducting his expenses is $62.55.

To solve this word problem, we need to find the difference between the amount Nana earned last weekend and the amount he spent.

The problem tells us that Nana earned $102.50 and spent $39.95.

To find the difference, we need to subtract the amount spent from the amount earned.

Thus, we need to solve the sum: 102.50 + (-39.95).

To do this, add the positive and negative numbers separately:

102.50 + (-39.95) = 102.50 - 39.95.

Now subtract the two numbers:

102.50 - 39.95 = 62.55.

Therefore, the difference between the amount Nana earned last weekend ($102.50) and the amount he spent ($39.95) is $62.55.