Which of the following is a real-world problem that could be solved with the sum 102.50+(−39.95)?(1 point)


Nevaeh bought new headphones for $102.50. He then spent $39.95 on a new game. How much money did Nevaeh spend all together?
Nevaeh bought new headphones for $102.50. He then spent $39.95 on a new game. How much money did Nevaeh spend all together?

Nevaeh has $102.50 in his bank account. He then deposits $39.95 into his bank account. How much money does he now have in his bank account?
Nevaeh has $102.50 in his bank account. He then deposits $39.95 into his bank account. How much money does he now have in his bank account?

Nevaeh earned $102.50 last weekend. He then spent $39.95 on a new game. How much money from his weekend earnings does he have left?
Nevaeh earned $102.50 last weekend. He then spent $39.95 on a new game. How much money from his weekend earnings does he have left?

Nevaeh earned $102.50 last weekend. He then received $39.95 from his mom. How much money does he now have?
Nevaeh earned $102.50 last weekend. He then received $39.95 from his mom. How much money does he now have?

Nevaeh bought new headphones for $102.50. He then spent $39.95 on a new game. How much money did Nevaeh spend all together?

Solve the following problem:

It was 13°C yesterday, but the temperature changed by −18.6° overnight. What is the temperature now?(1 point)

The temperature now can be found by adding the change in temperature to the initial temperature.

Therefore, the temperature now is 13°C + (-18.6°C) = -5.6°C.

Use the additive inverse to find −492.89−(−871.78).

To find the expression −492.89 − (−871.78), we can rewrite it as −492.89 + 871.78.

Adding the two numbers gives us 378.89.

Therefore, −492.89 − (−871.78) = 378.89.

Determine the distance between −18.26 and −2.45 on a number line.(1 point)



negative 15.81

negative 20.71


To find the distance between -18.26 and -2.45 on a number line, we subtract the two values and take the absolute value of the result.

|-18.26 - (-2.45)| = |-18.26 + 2.45| = |-15.81| = 15.81

Therefore, the distance between -18.26 and -2.45 on a number line is 15.81.

Subtract 24−(−15).

Subtracting 24 - (-15) can be simplified by changing the subtraction of a negative number to addition.

24 - (-15) = 24 + 15

Adding 24 and 15, we get:

24 + 15 = 39

Therefore, the result of the subtraction 24 - (-15) is 39.

Which context describes a difference of rational numbers?(1 point)


The team’s score did not change during the game.
The team’s score did not change during the game.

A football player loses yards on a play.
A football player loses yards on a play.

A football player gains yards on a play.
A football player gains yards on a play.

The team’s score increased when scoring.
The team’s score increased when scoring.