Which of the following is a real-world problem that could be solved with the sum 102.50+(−39.95)?


Q1. Zuri earned $56.80 at his job last week. They then spent $40 on a video game. 56.80 +(−40)=16.80 Interpret this sum in the context of the problem.

A1. $16.80 is the amount Zuri has left from their earnings last week after purchasing the video game.

Q2. Which of the following is a real-world problem that could be solved with the sum −22+9

A2.Quinn is playing a card game with his friends. He had −22
points at the start of his turn, but just got 9 points. How many points does he now have?

Q3.It was −8°
F this morning, but the temperature has gone up 11°
over the course of the day. What is the temperature now?

A3 .3°F

Q4.There are some areas of land on Earth that are below sea level. Imagine you are at the Dead Sea in Africa, which has an elevation of about −1,410
feet (1,410 feet below sea level). You then climb up 125 feet. What is your new elevation?

A4. −1,285

Q5.Reem owes her friend $15.25. Reem works after school and earns $43.78. After paying her friend back, how much money does she have?


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One real-world problem that could be solved with the sum 102.50 + (-39.95) is calculating the total cost after applying a discount or a deduction from an original price.

For example, let's say you went shopping and bought an item that originally cost $102.50. However, at the checkout, you noticed that there was a discount applied to your purchase, which amounted to -$39.95.

To find out the final cost, you would need to sum the original price ($102.50) with the deduction (-$39.95). By evaluating the sum, you can determine the total amount you will have to pay, considering the discount, in this case, it would be $62.55.

Therefore, the problem of calculating the final cost after applying a deduction or discount can be solved using the sum 102.50 + (-39.95).

To solve the given problem, we need to perform the addition of 102.50 and -39.95. This involves adding a positive number and a negative number.

To solve this problem manually, you can follow these steps:

1. Start by aligning the decimal points of both numbers: 102.50 and -39.95.
2. Begin adding the numbers column by column from right to left, just like regular addition.
- Add the numbers in the ones place: 0 + 5 = 5.
- Add the numbers in the tenths place: 5 + 9 = 14. Write down 4 and carry over 1.
- Add the numbers in the hundredths place: 1 + 9 = 10. Write down 0 and carry over 1.
- Add the numbers in the thousands place: 1 + (-3) = -2.
3. The final result is -2.00.

Now, regarding a real-world problem that could be solved using this sum:

Let's consider a scenario where we have a shopkeeper who has $102.50 in his cash register. A customer returns an item and receives a refund of $39.95. To calculate the remaining amount of money left in the cash register, we can use the sum 102.50 + (-39.95) = -2.00. The result (-2.00) represents that the shopkeeper is left with a deficit of $2.00 after the refund.

A possible real-world problem that could be solved with the sum 102.50+(-39.95) is calculating the final price of a purchase after applying a discount or subtracting a certain amount. For example, if you have a $102.50 bill or purchase and apply a discount or deduction of $39.95, you can find the final amount that needs to be paid.